
campaign - big blue bus - route 45 launch & graphic system

big blue bus launched a temporary bus route (route 45) that loops around downtown santa monica area - summer 2019
from concept to post production to installation

exterior bus advertising / bus wrap
122”W x 128”H
installed on street side of a 29’Gillig bus

wayfinding signage / outdoor floor decals
33” dia
five different designs, installed on sidewalks throughout different parts of downtown santa monica


wayfinding signage / outdoor floor decal installation - downtown santa monica

wayfinding signage
11” dia
four different designs, installed on bus-stop poles throughout different parts of downtown santa monica

press release / map
featured on front page of Santa Monica daily press (smdp) and on smdp’s website

z-fold flyer in english and spanish

icons that are used throughout various deliverables and touchpoints

campaign - route 45 - iconography

campaign - route 45 - iconography

interior bus advertisements / Internal car cards - extended
56” x 11”

promotional items / giveaways - tshirt, totebag & sunscreen
marketing street-team ambassadors, also wore tshirts on launch day while promoting route 45 service, with “ambassador” marked on the back

onboard flyer
8.5”W x 11”H flyers installed in buses

digital screen
primarily aired at the transit store and meeting rooms

web & social media graphics